Enjoy the Sunny Beaches of the Outer Banks
During a week of inspiration, healing and transfor-
mation our experienced facilitators guide you
Life Skills
Energy Work Spiritual Inspiration Yoga /Nia Workshops and more
Life Skills
Energy Work Spiritual Inspiration Yoga /Nia Workshops and more
Stress Release Meditation
Breathwork Journaling
Stress Release Meditation
Breathwork Journaling
Rates include meals, therapies, workshops and your room for six nights.
Applications are reviewed and selected to blend with the personalities and needs of each group.
Our hopes are that Everyone looks and feels re- freshed by the end of the week and has been encour- aged to pursue the you that you really want to be !!!
Come Harmonize with the Tranquility of your sur- roundings
Room Rates:
Private Master King
2 person King Master (SPECIAL) Dou/bunk Master
2 Double shared master
Private Master King
2 person King Master (SPECIAL) Dou/bunk Master
2 Double shared master
$1,750 $1,850
$1,750 $1,850
Payment schedule as follows;
Half of payment due 3/4 payment due Final Balance
Half of payment due 3/4 payment due Final Balance
May 1
Aug 30
Aug 30
Please make checks payable to:
Vicki Graham; 96 Falls Rd. Moodus Ct. 06469
All payments are final. Refund available if either you or staff finds suitable
replacement for your space.
Vicki Graham; 96 Falls Rd. Moodus Ct. 06469
All payments are final. Refund available if either you or staff finds suitable
replacement for your space.
Application for Health Week
Name___________________________________ Address.________________________________ _______________________________________ Phone. ______________Evening_____________ E-Mail:_________________________________
Room Request:
Double. ____Single____ Area________________
In the space provided below, please tell us a little about yourself, your special needs and what your ex- pectations look like during a week of inspiration. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
Contact for reservations (860) 873- 3764 harmonyvic@snet.net
Name___________________________________ Address.________________________________ _______________________________________ Phone. ______________Evening_____________ E-Mail:_________________________________
Room Request:
Double. ____Single____ Area________________
In the space provided below, please tell us a little about yourself, your special needs and what your ex- pectations look like during a week of inspiration. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
Contact for reservations (860) 873- 3764 harmonyvic@snet.net
Application for Health Week
Name___________________________________ Address.________________________________ _______________________________________ Phone. ______________Evening_____________ E-Mail:_________________________________
Room Request:
Double. ____Single____ Area________________
In the space provided below, please tell us a little about yourself, your special needs and what your ex- pectations look like during a week of inspiration. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
Contact for reservations (860) 873- 3764 harmonyvic@snet.net
Name___________________________________ Address.________________________________ _______________________________________ Phone. ______________Evening_____________ E-Mail:_________________________________
Room Request:
Double. ____Single____ Area________________
In the space provided below, please tell us a little about yourself, your special needs and what your ex- pectations look like during a week of inspiration. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
Contact for reservations (860) 873- 3764 harmonyvic@snet.net
I apologize about the pageant dating issues with this post as it was copied and pasted from a PDF. for more information in beautiful color photos please email Vicki Graham and I'll send you the PDF.