Reflexology is a serious advance in the health field and should not be confused with massage. It is a science based on the principle that there are reflex areas in the feet and hands that correspond to all the glands, organs and other parts of the body. Stimulating these reflexes properly can help many health problems in a natural way, and act as a type of preventative maintenance. Only the practitioner’s hands are used, making it a safe, simple, yet effective method without the use of gadgets.
The idea behind Reflexology is not new — in fact, it was practiced as early as 2330 B.C. by the Egyptian culture. Reflexology as we know it today was first researched and developed by Eunice Ingham, whose pioneering book on the subject was published in 1938. Since 1942, Reflexology workshops based on her work have been conducted year round throughout the world
The Ingham Method® of Reflexology is the combined work of the late Ms. Ingham and her nephew, Dwight C. Byers, the world's leading authority on Foot Reflexology. Mr. Byers, director of the International Institute of Reflexology®, and his hand-picked instructors, conduct ongoing workshops on a worldwide scale for both laymen and professionals.
The Ingham Method® is used primarily for relaxing tension. Doctors agree that over 75% of our health problems can be linked to nervous stress and tension. Reflexology improves nerve and blood supply, and helps nature to normalize. For more information about IIR, please go to or
As a Integrated Holistic Practitioner Educator and medical intuit, Vicki Graham is commited to helping people bring their life's into harmony with the creative path they were meant to live. She combines bodywork, nutrition, vibrational healing coaching & emotional repatterning to release subconscious patterns that get in their way of their physical, spiritual intentions. Each session is as unique as the individual, tailored to reach the ultimate goal of release & transformation.
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